The Young Professionals (YP) group is open to all water and wastewater professionals who are under the age of 35. This is a joint group between AWWA and Hawaii Water Environment Association (HWEA). This group offers a unique opportunity for YPs to get involved in the AWWA and HWEA organizations, network with peers in their field of work, and to continue their education. Our 2023-2024 Officers and Committee Chairs are:
Chair: Shannon Black of Haley Aldrich
Vice Chair: Siu Fung Tang of NAVFAC Pacific
Secretary: Vivian Au of EKNA Services
Past Chair: Camille Gozum
Outreach: Vacant
Community Service: Scott Fukuhara of Aqua Engineers
Social: John Sadorra of The Limtiaco Consulting Group
Technical Training and Field Trips: Vacant
Please be in the look for announcements of our upcoming events. If you know of any YP’s who want to be included in our mailing list, please email Vivian Au at If you have any questions regarding the YP committee, please contact Shannon Black at§
Camille Gozum, 2022-2023 Young Professionals Committee Chair
Young Professionals, Kathryn Yoshimura Muse, Camille Gozum and Shannon Black, attend the 2023 YP Summit
YP Summit Recap & YP Update
March 2023, Young Professional, Camille Gozum and Shannon Black, from the HWEA and AWWA Hawai’i Section had the opportunity to attend the AWWA and WEF YP Summit in Sacramento, California. The conference was exciting, overwhelming, but also full of hope as we discussed how we could solve our world’s water challenges.
The YP Summit is an annual three-day event filled with exciting activities. The first day was dedicated to a pre-summit activity, which is typically an outdoor or community service event. This year, the activity was a tour held at the Echo Water Project. The second day was divided into two leadership workshops – the AWWA YP Leader Training Day and the WEF Emerging Young Professionals Leadership Workshop with a networking reception at the end of the day. Camille attended the AWWA training while Shannon attended the WEF training. During the AWWA training event, AWWA CEO, David LaFrance, taught us why we need to create a personal marketing plan and explained how to create it. Mr. LaFrance shared anecdotes and lessons which helped us realize that this plan can give us a framework on how to reach our goals. Next, the young professionals had a group discussion and listed the characteristics of what we think a great leader should be. Some of the traits we agreed on are: great communicator, empathetic, open minded, progressive, and able to engage in tough conversations. This activity made us contemplate the values we will need to develop as an aspiring young leader. Lastly, YP Chairs from the various sections gave us input on how to engage new members and retain existing ones. Some ideas include holding fundraisers to sponsor more YP’s to attend the YP Summit, themed networking events, and providing free valuable training to operators and students.
The last day of the summit was full of engaging presentations from knowledgeable professionals. Mr. Mark Knudson, who shared a presentation on ‘Multi-Purpose Tools for Water Pros’. Next, Mae Stevens, a water lobbyist, and founder and CEO of the Safe Water Voters, taught all of us how to be an effective water advocate. Then, Adam Tank, a founder, author, podcaster, and speaker, gave a fun and engaging presentation on how to create our own marketing plan. To close the conference, we had a networking event where we made new friends from all over the country.
It has been a great pleasure and honor to hold the position of YP committee chair this past year. I have learned so much from so many incredible individuals from AWWA-HI Section. I hope that the events I helped coordinate in the past year were enjoyable and beneficial to all the YP attendees. It is now time to pass the baton and welcome our new chairs this year [listed above].§
Upcoming YP Events:
Keep an eye out for future emails on our latest virtual notices and events!
See Past YP Events in earlier Newsletters.
Summer 2016 Newsletter - August 20, 2016 Community Service Event at Mokauea Island Restoration Project. Group Picture of the YP Volunteers
Summer 2016 Newsletter - August 20, 2016 Community Service Event at Mokauea Island Restoration Project. Volunteers Loading up to Paddle to Mokauea.
Summer 2016 Newsletter - August 12, 2016 Tileco Inc. Field Trip. YP and YMF Members Touring the Manufacturing Plant
Summer 2016 Newsletter - July 27, 2016 HWEA | AWWA YP general meeting and social event at The Social Eatery and Bar.
Last Updated: 07/01/2023_JS