See Upcoming Events for Upcoming Workshops.
Barry Pollock, Workshop Committee Co-Chair
In support of the Technical Assistance and Training Grant Agreement for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Utilities Service, the AWWA is participating in providing technical assistance and training to its members. The goal of this agreement is to deliver workshops targeting Small Systems that serve fewer than 10,000 people. These workshops provide attendees with the tools and knowledge to set effective water rates, effectively communicate and share a holistic view of the value of water, enhance resilience to cybersecurity threats, utilize best management practices for stormwater management, and identify opportunities for funding.
The AWWA Hawaii Section, as part of the subagreement with AWWA, is hosting three workshops between November 2020 and August 13, 2021. The first workshop covered water loss control and was held December 3 and 4, 2020. This workshop covered a range of topics including water loss control, introduction to the Partnership for Safe Water, information about the USDA Loan Program for Small Community Water and Wastewater Systems, and best practices of water loss control.
Jeremy Kimura, Workshop Committee Co-Chair
The second workshop was completed on March 16 and 17, 2021 and covered setting effective rates for small systems and optimizing and accessing funding. From this workshop, participants learned how to assess revenue requirements, identify the community’s financial priorities, and build rates that fit their situations and objectives. Participants also receive dedicated, follow-up technical assistance and helpful documents from AWWA following the workshop.
Both two-day workshops were held virtually and were offered free to attendees. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) were also approved by the Hawaii Drinking Water Operator Certification Board for 0.3 CEUs for each day of the workshops. The trainer for these workshops was Kyla Jacobsen, the former Utility Director for the City of Elgin Water Department and AWWA Trustee for Distribution and Plant Operations Divisions. The moderator for the workshops was John Donahue, who is a Past AWWA President and current CEO at North Park Public Water District in Rockford, Illinois.
The third and final workshop to fulfill this grant requirement was recently held on May 18 and 19, 2021. A summary of this workshop will be provided in the next newsletter.
We want to give a warm mahalo to both Kyla and John for leading these trainings. They are based the Central and East Coast U.S. and made time in their evenings to host these workshops for our members. We look forward to seeing them in person at future workshops! §
Past Workshops
(click on flyer to see PDF)
May 10, 2017 - Small System Operator Training: Achieve & Maintain Compliance with the SDWA (pdf not available)
Updated: 05/25/2022_JS