2021 VIRTUAL PACIFIC WATER CONFERENCE - Go With the Flow…The Importance of Flexibility, Adaptation, and Resilience During Uncertain Times
The American Water Works Association Hawai‘i Section and the Hawai‘i Water Environment Association are proud to announce the eighth annual joint conference, known as the Pacific Water Conference, from February 3-4, 2021.
Register for the eighth annual Pacific Water Conference on February 2-4, 2021. This three-day virtual conference will be hosted by the American Water Works Association, Hawaii Section, and the Hawaii Water Environment Association.
View the latest technical schedule here.
This year's registration rates have been reduced due to the virtual conference format: $45 for WEF and AWWA members and $95 for non-members.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be tracked through the Virtual Conference website and attendees will be able to download their certificates.
Although this event will be much different from previous years, we are committed to continuing the tradition of bringing together the water and wastewater community. We hope you'll join us at the conference!
Jessica Agsalda | Amanda Tanaka | Brandon Uejo
2021 Conference Chairs
2020 AWWA-Hawaii Section Chair Kevin Ihu and 2021 HWEA President Jason Nikaido
Technical Program
See the Draft Schedule (PDF as of 1/22/2021) or the images of each conference day below.
2021 Conference Co-Chairs Brandon Uejo and Amanda Tanaka
REGISTRATION for the virtual 3-day 2021 Pacific Water Conference on February 2-4, 2021 is open! See details, deadlines, and 2021 Conference Fees at http://pacificwaterconference.com/registration-info/.
Regular Registration Deadline is December 30, 2020.
Late Registration Deadline is February 1, 2021.
The deadline for speaker abstract submissions has been extended to Friday, October 23, 2020.
Individuals desiring to present a paper at the virtual 2021 Pacific Water Conference must submit an abstract, limited to 2,500 characters or less (with spaces), describing their presentation in sufficient detail to allow evaluation of the proposed topic. Presentations will be in 45 minute blocks - 30 minutes for presentation and 15 minutes of questions and answers. This conference will address a wide variety of topics related to the water and wastewater industry with an emphasis on (but not limited to) the topics listed in the downloadable fillable form (click on the graphic).
Exhibitor Registration
EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION is open. See details and Fees at http://pacificwaterconference.com/registration-info/
Contributions ~ Become A Sponsor
See Sponsor Packages at http://pacificwaterconference.com/contributions/
Student Poster Contest
See the Student Poster Competition information at http://pacificwaterconference.com/studentposter/.
Contest application with project abstract is due December 18, 2020.
Photo Contest
We are excited to announce the Photo Contest categories this year:
The Beauty of Water - Water can give life and create some of the most wondrous scenery. It is soft, elegant and cleansing. Photos may show simple delights that water can bring to people or breathtaking views it can be apart of.
The Fury of Water - Water can be terrible, especially if not treated kindly. It can be a fast wave of destruction, or a slow, encroaching force. Sharp, powerful and awesome. Photos may show destruction brought about, or a slow decay caused by water.
Qualified photo entries will be displayed along with the photo descriptions provided on the entry form by the photographer. The description should provide the photographer’s perspective on how the photo represents the theme of the category.
2021 Pacific Water Conference Photo Contest Criteria & Rules
2021 Pacific Water Conference Photo Contest Entry Form
All entries must be received by Logan at lhicks@gotoetc.com or Sean at sshigenaga@hbws.org NO LATER THAN 11:59 pm (HST) Friday, January 15, 2021.
2020 PWC Photo Contest Winners:
Category 1: Breaking barriers and working together to protect our water resources
1st and People’s Choice: Protecting Wai`ale`ale, Kaua`i, Bryan Wienand
2nd: Rainbow over the Ala Wai Canal, Rasmus
3rd: Disinfect to Protect, Danny Doan
Category 2: Impacts and innovation caused by climate change on Hawaii’s water and wastewater resources
1st and People’s Choice: Fish-nado! Adrienne Fung
2nd: Anuenue After the Storm, Bryan Wienand
3rd: Channeled Panel, Danny Doan
Golf Tournament
Unfortunately there will not be a golf tournament for the 2021 Pacific Water Conference.
Community Service Event
We are working on a virtual Water For People fundraiser this year! Check back soon for more information!
Updated: 12/28/2020_JS