of the American Water Works Association Hawaii Section
Please visit the **NEW** AWWA-HIWPS web page for more information: http://www.awwahiwps.org/
AWWA-HIWPS Board of Directors 2023-2024
Chair: John Riegel, BC
Vice Chair: Gary Byrd, member
Secretary: Joseph (Joe) Claveria, BC
Treasurer: Gilda Mafnas, GWA
Trustees: Viliame Vuetibau, SSFM, and Tom Cruz, GWA
Past Chair: Evangeline (Vangie) Lujan, GWA
The purpose of this subsection is for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge concerning the improvement of practice in the design, construction, operation and management of water works and all related actives, and supporting skill based training and an open exchange of experiences throughout Guam, the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands, the Republic of Palau, and the Federated States of Micronesia.
The Subsection is a Subcommittee of the Pacific Rim Committee. The Pacific Rim Committee's objectives are:
Increase Participation by Pacific Rim members,
Work with Water for People Committee Char to coordinate efforts in the Pacific Rim ares. Provide avenue for interchange of information with our Pacific Rim members,
Send newsletter articles about water related issues in the Pacific Rim Areas,
Coordinate with conference committee to have at least one speaker either from or about Pacific Rim areas, and
Report activities to the Water Utility/Government Affairs Council Chair.
Picture Source: Guam AWWA Subsection Website
Last Updated: 08/12/2023_JS