The AWWA Hawaii Section newsletter is published several times per year (typically Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter). The intent of the newsletter is to provide the general membership with information on the happenings within AWWA Hawaii. You will need the free Adobe Reader software to view the newsletter online. AWWA members are welcome to submit articles for the Newsletter. Please contact Newsletter Committee Chair Amanda Tanaka via (Attention: Newsletter) for information.
Spring/Summer 2025 Newsletter Deadline is Friday, July 25, 2025.
Current Newsletter Issue
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If you would like to advertise in the Hawaii Section newsletter, please see the advertisement form:
Newsletter Advertising Form
Past Issues
Newsletters above this line are arranged chronologically left to right (with the most recent at the top or top right).
Newsletters below this line are arranged chronologically right to left (with the most recent at the top left).
Updated: 03/24/2025_JS